Table of Contents
This is a complete list of all the methods that are available through ChemML Wrapper interface.
- Table’s columns describe:
task and subtask: for an easier classification of methods
host: the main library/dependency required for running a method
function: the method name that determines a block/node of computation graph
input and output tokens: available tokens in each block that collect specific information and send/receive it to/from other blocks
task |
subtask |
host |
function |
input tokens |
output tokens |
Represent |
distance matrix |
chemml |
DistanceMatrix |
df, __dict__, __weakref__ |
df, __dict__, __weakref__ |
Represent |
inorganic descriptors |
chemml |
APEAttributeGenerator |
entries, __dict__, __weakref__ |
df, __dict__, __weakref__ |
Represent |
inorganic descriptors |
chemml |
APRDFAttributeGenerator |
entries, __dict__, __weakref__ |
df, __dict__, __weakref__ |
Represent |
inorganic descriptors |
chemml |
ChargeDependentAttributeGenerator |
entries, __dict__, __weakref__ |
df, __dict__, __weakref__ |
Represent |
inorganic descriptors |
chemml |
ChemicalOrderingAttributeGenerator |
entries, __dict__, __weakref__ |
df, __dict__, __weakref__ |
Represent |
inorganic descriptors |
chemml |
CoordinationNumberAttributeGenerator |
entries, __dict__, __weakref__ |
df, __dict__, __weakref__ |
Represent |
inorganic descriptors |
chemml |
CoulombMatrixAttributeGenerator |
entries, __dict__, __weakref__ |
df, __dict__, __weakref__ |
Represent |
inorganic descriptors |
chemml |
EffectiveCoordinationNumberAttributeGenerator |
entries, __dict__, __weakref__ |
df, __dict__, __weakref__ |
Represent |
inorganic descriptors |
chemml |
ElementFractionAttributeGenerator |
entries, __dict__, __weakref__ |
df, __dict__, __weakref__ |
Represent |
inorganic descriptors |
chemml |
ElementPairPropertyAttributeGenerator |
entries, __dict__, __weakref__ |
df, __dict__, __weakref__ |
Represent |
inorganic descriptors |
chemml |
ElementalPropertyAttributeGenerator |
entries, __dict__, __weakref__ |
df, __dict__, __weakref__ |
Represent |
inorganic descriptors |
chemml |
GCLPAttributeGenerator |
entries, energies, phases, __dict__, __weakref__ |
df, __dict__, __weakref__ |
Represent |
inorganic descriptors |
chemml |
IonicCompoundProximityAttributeGenerator |
entries, __dict__, __weakref__ |
df, __dict__, __weakref__ |
Represent |
inorganic descriptors |
chemml |
IonicityAttributeGenerator |
entries, __dict__, __weakref__ |
df, __dict__, __weakref__ |
Represent |
inorganic descriptors |
chemml |
LatticeSimilarityAttributeGenerator |
entries, __dict__, __weakref__ |
df, __dict__, __weakref__ |
Represent |
inorganic descriptors |
chemml |
LocalPropertyDifferenceAttributeGenerator |
entries, __dict__, __weakref__ |
df, __dict__, __weakref__ |
Represent |
inorganic descriptors |
chemml |
LocalPropertyVarianceAttributeGenerator |
entries, __dict__, __weakref__ |
df, __dict__, __weakref__ |
Represent |
inorganic descriptors |
chemml |
MeredigAttributeGenerator |
entries, __dict__, __weakref__ |
df, __dict__, __weakref__ |
Represent |
inorganic descriptors |
chemml |
PRDFAttributeGenerator |
entries, __dict__, __weakref__ |
df, __dict__, __weakref__ |
Represent |
inorganic descriptors |
chemml |
PackingEfficiencyAttributeGenerator |
entries, __dict__, __weakref__ |
df, __dict__, __weakref__ |
Represent |
inorganic descriptors |
chemml |
StoichiometricAttributeGenerator |
entries, __dict__, __weakref__ |
df, __dict__, __weakref__ |
Represent |
inorganic descriptors |
chemml |
StructuralHeterogeneityAttributeGenerator |
entries, __dict__, __weakref__ |
df, __dict__, __weakref__ |
Represent |
inorganic descriptors |
chemml |
ValenceShellAttributeGenerator |
entries, __dict__, __weakref__ |
df, __dict__, __weakref__ |
Represent |
inorganic descriptors |
chemml |
YangOmegaAttributeGenerator |
entries, __dict__, __weakref__ |
df, __dict__, __weakref__ |
Represent |
inorganic input |
chemml |
CompositionEntry |
__dict__, __weakref__ |
entries, __dict__, __weakref__ |
Represent |
inorganic input |
chemml |
CrystalStructureEntry |
__dict__, __weakref__ |
entries, __dict__, __weakref__ |
Represent |
molecular descriptors |
chemml |
BagofBonds |
molecules, __dict__, __weakref__ |
df, __dict__, __weakref__ |
Represent |
molecular descriptors |
chemml |
CoulombMatrix |
molecules, __dict__, __weakref__ |
df, __dict__, __weakref__ |
Represent |
molecular descriptors |
chemml |
Dragon |
molfile, __dict__, __weakref__ |
df, __dict__, __weakref__ |
Represent |
molecular descriptors |
chemml |
RDKitFingerprint |
molfile, __dict__, __weakref__ |
df, removed_rows, __dict__, __weakref__ |
Prepare |
data cleaning |
chemml |
ConstantColumns |
df, api, __dict__, __weakref__ |
df, removed_columns_, api, __dict__, __weakref__ |
Prepare |
data cleaning |
chemml |
MissingValues |
api, df, __dict__, __weakref__ |
df, api, __dict__, __weakref__ |
Prepare |
data cleaning |
chemml |
Outliers |
df, api, __dict__, __weakref__ |
df, removed_columns_, api, __dict__, __weakref__ |
Prepare |
data manipulation |
chemml |
Split |
df, __dict__, __weakref__ |
df1, df2, __dict__, __weakref__ |
Prepare |
data manipulation |
pandas |
concat |
df1, df2, df3, __dict__, __weakref__ |
df, __dict__, __weakref__ |
Prepare |
data cleaning |
sklearn |
Imputer |
df, api, __dict__, __weakref__ |
df, api, __dict__, __weakref__ |
Prepare |
feature representation |
sklearn |
Binarizer |
df, api, __dict__, __weakref__ |
df, api, __dict__, __weakref__ |
Prepare |
feature representation |
sklearn |
OneHotEncoder |
df, api, __dict__, __weakref__ |
df, api, __dict__, __weakref__ |
Prepare |
feature representation |
sklearn |
PolynomialFeatures |
df, api, __dict__, __weakref__ |
df, api, __dict__, __weakref__ |
Prepare |
feature transformation |
sklearn |
KernelPCA |
df, api, __dict__, __weakref__ |
df, api, __dict__, __weakref__ |
Prepare |
feature transformation |
sklearn |
df, api, __dict__, __weakref__ |
df, api, __dict__, __weakref__ |
Prepare |
scaling |
sklearn |
MaxAbsScaler |
df, api, __dict__, __weakref__ |
df, api, __dict__, __weakref__ |
Prepare |
scaling |
sklearn |
MinMaxScaler |
df, api, __dict__, __weakref__ |
df, api, __dict__, __weakref__ |
Prepare |
scaling |
sklearn |
Normalizer |
df, api, __dict__, __weakref__ |
df, api, __dict__, __weakref__ |
Prepare |
scaling |
sklearn |
RobustScaler |
df, api, __dict__, __weakref__ |
df, api, __dict__, __weakref__ |
Prepare |
scaling |
sklearn |
StandardScaler |
df, api, __dict__, __weakref__ |
df, api, __dict__, __weakref__ |
Prepare |
split |
sklearn |
KFold |
dfx, __dict__, __weakref__ |
api, fold_gen, __dict__, __weakref__ |
Prepare |
split |
sklearn |
LeaveOneOut |
dfx, __dict__, __weakref__ |
api, fold_gen, __dict__, __weakref__ |
Prepare |
split |
sklearn |
ShuffleSplit |
dfx, __dict__, __weakref__ |
fold_gen, api, __dict__, __weakref__ |
Prepare |
split |
sklearn |
StratifiedShuffleSplit |
dfx, __dict__, __weakref__ |
fold_gen, api, __dict__, __weakref__ |
Prepare |
split |
sklearn |
train_test_split |
dfy, dfx, __dict__, __weakref__ |
dfx_test, dfy_train, dfy_test, dfx_train, __dict__, __weakref__ |
Model |
regression |
chemml |
dfx, dfy, api, __dict__, __weakref__ |
dfy_predict, api, __dict__, __weakref__ |
Model |
regression |
chemml |
MLP_sklearn |
dfx, dfy, api, __dict__, __weakref__ |
dfy_predict, api, __dict__, __weakref__ |
Model |
regression |
sklearn |
ARDRegression |
api, dfy, dfx, __dict__, __weakref__ |
api, dfy_predict, __dict__, __weakref__ |
Model |
regression |
sklearn |
BayesianRidge |
api, dfy, dfx, __dict__, __weakref__ |
api, dfy_predict, __dict__, __weakref__ |
Model |
regression |
sklearn |
ElasticNet |
api, dfy, dfx, __dict__, __weakref__ |
api, dfy_predict, __dict__, __weakref__ |
Model |
regression |
sklearn |
KernelRidge |
api, dfy, dfx, __dict__, __weakref__ |
api, dfy_predict, __dict__, __weakref__ |
Model |
regression |
sklearn |
Lars |
api, dfy, dfx, __dict__, __weakref__ |
api, dfy_predict, __dict__, __weakref__ |
Model |
regression |
sklearn |
Lasso |
api, dfy, dfx, __dict__, __weakref__ |
api, dfy_predict, __dict__, __weakref__ |
Model |
regression |
sklearn |
LassoLars |
api, dfy, dfx, __dict__, __weakref__ |
api, dfy_predict, __dict__, __weakref__ |
Model |
regression |
sklearn |
LinearRegression |
api, dfy, dfx, __dict__, __weakref__ |
api, dfy_predict, __dict__, __weakref__ |
Model |
regression |
sklearn |
LinearSVR |
api, dfy, dfx, __dict__, __weakref__ |
api, dfy_predict, __dict__, __weakref__ |
Model |
regression |
sklearn |
LogisticRegression |
api, dfy, dfx, __dict__, __weakref__ |
api, dfy_predict, __dict__, __weakref__ |
Model |
regression |
sklearn |
MLPRegressor |
api, dfy, dfx, __dict__, __weakref__ |
api, dfy_predict, __dict__, __weakref__ |
Model |
regression |
sklearn |
MultiTaskElasticNet |
api, dfy, dfx, __dict__, __weakref__ |
api, dfy_predict, __dict__, __weakref__ |
Model |
regression |
sklearn |
MultiTaskLasso |
api, dfy, dfx, __dict__, __weakref__ |
api, dfy_predict, __dict__, __weakref__ |
Model |
regression |
sklearn |
api, dfy, dfx, __dict__, __weakref__ |
api, dfy_predict, __dict__, __weakref__ |
Model |
regression |
sklearn |
Ridge |
api, dfy, dfx, __dict__, __weakref__ |
api, dfy_predict, __dict__, __weakref__ |
Model |
regression |
sklearn |
SGDRegressor |
api, dfy, dfx, __dict__, __weakref__ |
api, dfy_predict, __dict__, __weakref__ |
Model |
regression |
sklearn |
api, dfy, dfx, __dict__, __weakref__ |
api, dfy_predict, __dict__, __weakref__ |
Visualize |
artist |
chemml |
decorator |
fig, __dict__, __weakref__ |
fig, __dict__, __weakref__ |
Visualize |
plot |
chemml |
hist |
dfx, __dict__, __weakref__ |
fig, __dict__, __weakref__ |
Visualize |
plot |
chemml |
scatter2D |
dfx, dfy, __dict__, __weakref__ |
fig, __dict__, __weakref__ |
Visualize |
plot |
pandas |
plot |
df, __dict__, __weakref__ |
fig, __dict__, __weakref__ |