Input File GUI
MAC OS and Linux users may run the commands directly in the terminal once ChemML has been installed.
- For Windows users, we recommend installing WSL:
Through the WSL terminal, install ChemML using the Python Package Index (PyPI) via pip as specified in the installation tutorial.
The steps that follow must be run in the WSL terminal.
The ChemML wrapper’s graphical user interface (GUI) facilitates the generation of input files.
To run a notebook, the user must run the following commands in the terminal with the environment, which has ChemML installed, activated:
jupyter notebook
- Requirements:
- Jupyter notebook
- ipywidgets and widgetsnbextension
ipywidgets and widgetsnbextension will be installed accompanied by chemml via pip.
- graphviz
Using graphviz library, you will see a graphical visualization of your project’s workflow simultaneously.
graphviz will be installed accompanied by chemml via pip.
A Jupyter notebook will open for the current environment. In the new Jupyter notebook, ensure the Kernel for the desired environment is activated. This can be done using:
Under Kernel > Change Kernel > Python (environment name)
Run the GUI locally in the Jupyter notebook via:
from chemml.wrapper.notebook import ChemMLNotebook
ui = ChemMLNotebook()
Instructions to run the input files, created using the Jupyter GUI, will appear once the input file is saved using the GUI.